
Global Family Legal Services

Contact Information

Telephone: 928-399-1512

Our commitment is to give legal guidance and assistance to promote the pursuit of living and working with confidence and without fear. Our nonprofit, publicly-supported program of legal counseling, advocacy, and education is dedicated to actively bringing about a more compassionate and cooperative world.

Since our opening in 2005 our staff has accommodated the needs of our clients, including making house calls to those clients who are unable to come into the office. We currently have 1 attorney, 4 staff members, all of whom are supported by grants and donations, and a number of part-time volunteers. Through community education presentations and networking with like-minded attorneys, we have a network that offers affordable legal representation to many areas of Arizona and to other states as well.

Volunteer opportunities:

  • Grant Writing
  • Legal Representation: A certification program is available (next session begins January 17, 2017)
  • Office Assistance

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