
Green Valley Domestic Water Improvement District

Contact Information

Telephone: 520-625-9112

History of the Green Valley Domestic Water Improvement District

The original water company, called Green Valley Water company, was owned and operated by Fairfield, the developer of the southern part of Green Valley, west of Interstate 19. When Fairfield put the company up for sale, the customers were intent on retaining local control of their water future. A group of individuals formed a committee to examine ways to purchase the company.

The District was formed in 2002 by the Pima County Board of Supervisors for the purpose of purchasing and operating what had been the Green Valley Water Company. A volunteer Board of Directors is elected to four-year terms to govern the District. Paid employees include a District Manager, Administrative Supervisor, two Customer Service representatives and four Water Operators.

Need For Volunteers

At Green Valley Domestic Water Improvement District, we are committed to providing safe, high quality water services to our community, while maintaining a standard of excellence in customer service and environmental conservation.

We are looking for volunteers to serve on one of our standing committees and/or become a member of the Board of Directors. The standing committees include the Technical and Financial committees.  Occasionally an ad hoc committee may be formed to address a special need. The role of these committees is to consider and recommend policy to the Board of Directors to further its mission to provide safe, high quality water service to our community – WHICH YOU ARE PART OF.

Why Volunteers Are Important

Currently we operate as a local entity, making us the masters of our destiny. The GVDWID was formed by a resolution of the Pima County Board of Supervisors, if we are unable to garner enough volunteers to keep us running, the possibility exists that the Pima County Board of Supervisors could take control over management of the District. We would lose local control of our water.

The District has been losing volunteers over the past years. Currently the Board is short 3 Board members and the committees are thinly staffed. A small commitment on your part usually 3 to 5 hours per month can help us maintain local control.

The Technical Committee is charged with reviewing and discussing projects that will upgrade the water distribution system or deal with new district needs. These include

  • Working with consulting Engineers and architects
  • Review and discuss scopes of work
  • Evaluating bids
  • Review and discuss the five-year Capital Budget

The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing and discussing the financial side of projects, money management and annual budgets. These include:

  • Reviewing and discussing annual budgets
  • Reviewing cash flow
  • Working with financial institutions to maintain the best interest rates possible
  • Working with financial institutions to secure loans when needed
  • Recommending policy to the Board for management of reserve funds

A general background in any area of business, finance, critical thinking or problem solving is useful. You do not need experience in water delivery as this can be taught. Your background and interest would guide you to which committee you would like to serve on. You must be a resident of Green Valley to serve on a committee. A Board candidate needs to be a resident living within the boundaries of the Green Valley Water District i.e. GVWD is your water provider.

Start by contacting our Office 625-9112 or email to learn more.

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