
Friends of the Santa Cruz River

Contact Information

Telephone: 520-403-2823
Email: blueeveningstar@gccalliance.org
Website: http://foscraz.org/

Friends of the Santa Cruz River (FOSCR) was formed in 1991 to protect and enhance the flow and water quality of the Santa Cruz River, as well as the health of the riparian ecosystem that the river supports. Our non-profit, all-volunteer group focuses on the perennial (year-round flow) portion of the river, from its headwaters in the San Rafael Valley, south into Mexico, and then north through Santa Cruz County to the Pima County line. We work with riverside landowners, government agencies, and other citizens and community groups to keep the river flowing, its banks clean and green, and its environment bountiful to both wildlife and people.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Events coordinator
  • Membership/volunteer communications
  • Schools liaison
  • FOSCR booth-sitting at festivals
  • Help with river trash clean-ups
  • RiverWatch (water quality monitoring), one morning a month in the field
  • Join our Board of Directors!

We will train for all positions.

Please contact us for information about volunteer opportunities.

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