
Tu Nitido Children and Family Service

Contact Information

Telephone: 520-322-9155

Volunteers are the heart of Tu Nidito Children and Family Services. We have more than 150 dedicated people who volunteer their time in different ways:

Support Group Volunteers:
Facilitate peer support groups for children, teens and adults whose lives have been impacted by serious illness or grief. Work with an assigned age-group, “littles” (ages 3-7), “middles” (ages 8-12), and teens (ages 13-18) or adults to provide comfort and support through structured talking circle questions and activities. Separate support groups are offered for:

Children who are grieving the death of a loved one

Children who are diagnosed with a serious medical condition

Children who have a parent diagnosed with a serious medical condition

Volunteer commitment is two week-day evenings a month from 5:45 – 9:00pm (one week-day evening a month for support group for children diagnosed with a serious medical condition.)

Other Volunteer Opportunities:

Special Events – Special event volunteers assist with fundraising and community events. Individual requirements are dependent upon the assignment.

Office Assistant – Assist in answering phones, managing our library, providing computer support, running errands, preparing materials and other duties associated with running an office. Office volunteers can choose any weekday for 3 to 4 hours per week. Individual requirements are dependent upon the assignment.

Board Members  Like all non-profit organizations, a Board of Directors governs Tu Nidito Children and Family Services. Board members commit to a three-year term of office.

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