
If you want to make a difference when life matters most, You belong here. Are you searching for a way to make a difference in the lives of others? Then you belong here!

Gentiva (formerly Hospice Family Care)
Contact Name: Jackie
Telephone: 520-499-3072
Email: jacqueline.wade@gentivah.com
Website: https://www.gentivahs.com/

Hospice Volunteers are a valuable part of our care team. Based on your interest and preferences, we will find the perfect niche for you. We offer Veteran- to Veteran Programs, Vigil Volunteering, Direct Care, Administrative office support, pet therapy, bereavement volunteer and reiki volunteering.

Whether it’s providing companionship to a patient, empowering Veterans thru our Veteran-to-Veteran program (we participate in the National We Honor Veterans program), offering support to family and caregivers, assisting the office team, or participating in community outreach, the contributions of our volunteers are essential to our hospice program.

Our volunteers are prepared to join our team of physicians, nurses, home health aides, social workers and spiritual support providers who support patients at the end of their journey.

Volunteers bring a special perspective to the hospice care team and make a difference for each patient and family.

At Gentiva Hospice we are a family-oriented team that provides compassionate care in our community and for those we serve.

At a time when life matters most, be a part of the final journey.

If you’d like to join our team, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jackie Wade, in the Green Valley office at 520-499-3072 or email her at jacqueline.wade@gentivahs.com

“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness you are able to give.”                                    Eleanor Roosevelt

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