Historic Canoa Ranch (Green Valley)

Historic Canoa Ranch (Green Valley)

Contact Information

Telephone: 520-561-9614

Current opportunities

Volunteers Wanted Canoa Hills Trails Park
Miscellaneous clean-up and maintenance tasks working with Pima County staff from Canoa Ranch

Historic Hacienda de la Canoa is classified as an historic landmark. We offer tours of the ranch on Tuesdays and Saturdays. We also offer addition environmental education programs such as bird walks and star gazing.

Interpretive Tour Guide
Volunteer Tour Guides interpret Historic Hacienda de la Canoa preserved and restored historic buildings and landscapes, cultural history, and natural resources at Raul M. Grijalva Canoa Ranch Conservation Park for scheduled groups and the general public.

Site Restoration Volunteer
Volunteers assist NRPR staff with light restoration and construction work on the buildings inside the historic heritage areas. Projects will include surface preparation prior to painting interior and exterior walls on buildings and other landscape elements. Light wood working projects including surface preparation and general repairs prior to re-staining wooden surfaces on both interior and exterior locations. Repair and restoration of the retaque corral areas including repair or replacing damaged materials in the fencing and gates.

Landscape Restoration and Maintenance Volunteer
Volunteers assist NRPR staff with clearing the areas around the historic buildings of unwanted vegetation and establishing and maintaining plantings and trees that are correct for the site. Opportunities are also available to join The Green Valley Gardeners; Jack Davis

Restoration Tour Volunteer
Volunteer Tour Guides will lead visitor tours of the restoration activities underway at Historic Hacienda de la Canoa. They will interpret the preservation and restoration work on the historic buildings and landscape to groups and the general public.

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