
Doing Good Deeds Together – Greater Green Valley & Santa Cruz Valley

Contact Information

Telephone: 520-648-1936

Celebrate “Volunteers Doing Good Deeds” throughout the year. The Green Valley Council Foundation sponsors Volunteer Days during the month of February, April, September, and November. These Volunteer Days provide opportunities to help nonprofit organizations, civic groups, schools, and similar organizations throughout the year.

Volunteer four hours one day a month on Volunteer Day offers members of the community an opportunity to help others without a long-term commitment. Volunteers need not sign up for every month, but can do so as their time, interests , and schedules permit.

Four Volunteer Days in 2020

  • National Random Acts of Kindness Day: February 17
  • National Good Deeds Day: April 20
  • National Good Neighbor Day: September 28
  • Mitzvah (Good Deed Day): November 6

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