
Green Valley Council

Contact Information

Telephone: 520-648-1936

Current opportunities

National Volunteer Week April 21-27 — Good Deeds Done Together, part of the GVC Foundation and GVSVC, a Project of Pima Council of Aging are celebrating NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK! as a time to recognize and honor all those who volunteer in their communities. We encourage you to volunteer this April (and beyond). Ideas can be found on this website, just click on the SERVE image on the HOME page.

As the civic voice of Green Valley, the Green Valley Council (GVC) promotes the best interest of all residents. It serves as liaison between the community and county, state and federal agencies. We represent, 73 member Homeowner Associations and affiliates in unincorporated Pima County. Literally hundreds of Green Valley residents give their time and talent for GVC, serving as committee members, Board of Representative delegates and special project volunteers.

We are always looking for volunteers to serve on our action groups: Environmental, Santa Cruz Valley Bicycle Advocacy, Planning and Architecture, Citizen Corps Council, Traffic and Arroyos, Planning, Zoning and Architectural, Community Services, and Health and Human Services.

Please consider joining us. GVC is the glue that keeps us all working together to maintain our lifestyle and make our community such a desirable place to live.

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