
Sahuarita Volunteers in Police Service

Contact Information

Telephone: 520-344-7017

Since September 11, 2001, the demands on state and local law enforcement have increased dramatically. As a result, the already limited resources of these agencies are being stretched further than ever, at a time when the country needs every available officer out on the beat.

In many jurisdictions around the country, volunteers in the community have offered their time and skills services to law enforcement agencies. These citizen volunteers help supplement and support officers and civilian personnel by allowing them to concentrate on their primary duties. Volunteer roles may include performing clerical tasks, serving as an extra set of “eyes and ears,” assisting with search and rescue activities, and writing citations for accessible parking violations.

This program will provide you with important information on how to get involved in a VIPS Program in your community. Contact us for more information about Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS).

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