
Friends of Madera Canyon

Contact Information

Email: info@friendsofmaderacanyon.org
Website: http://www.friendsofmaderacanyon.org/

We serve as stewards promoting conservation and education with the goal of sustaining the ecological diversity of Madera Canyon.

Volunteering gives you the personal satisfaction of making a difference in the preservation of a unique resource. Friends of Madera Canyon is an organization recognized for the care and protection of this delicate biome.

Madera Canyon is nestled in the northern slopes of the Santa Rita Mountains east of Green Valley and south of Tucson, Arizona. The flora along with the streams that carved out this canyon help to sustain the many bird, mammal, reptile, and insect species that breed, visit, and reside here. Visitors from all over the world arrive in search of such avian specialties as the Elegant Trogon, Elf Owl, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, and 15 different hummingbirds. Over 230 species of birds have been identified. Thousands of birders, hikers, photographers, artists, and those simply seeking a place to enjoy a picnic under the shade of a sycamore tree next to the cool water of a creek have fallen in love with Madera Canyon.

Volunteer opportunities:

  • Serve as docents in the 4th grade School Nature Walks program. Learn and share the natural history of the canyon and encourage children to protect the canyon for the future.
  • Greet visitors to the canyon on weekends by working at the Visitor Information Station (VIS) that welcomes visitors to the canyon. Pass out literature, answer questions, and meet friendly people from all over the world.
  • Keep the canyon clean. Help clean up the canyon on Monday mornings by removing any trash from around picnic tables and empty turned charcoal from grills used over the weekend.
  • Become a Board member. Actively represent the membership.
  • Help older and disabled members of the community to enjoy the wonders of Madera Canyon. Assist members with walkers and wheelchairs to navigate the paved Proctor Loop and explain what they are seeing. Sit and visit with them over a picnic lunch at Whitehouse.

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