What is the GVS Volunteer Clearinghouse’s mission?
The MISSION of the Green Valley Sahuarita Volunteer Clearinghouse is to place volunteers with community organizations that need their help.
Why should I contact the Volunteer Clearinghouse?
The people who staff the Clearinghouse will help you identify your skills and interests. Being familiar with the more than 100 organizations in our community they can help you find the right volunteer opportunity and put you in contact with the right person. They can assist you in getting reimbursement for mileage where appropriate and liability insurance.
Can I find seasonal volunteering?
Many organizations need volunteers during certain times of the years. Schools are an example. The Salvation Army is another. September to April is a very busy time in our community and so volunteers are especially needed then. During the summer months, volunteers are often needed because whereas many volunteers may be gone, the organizations and the people who they serve are often still here.
Could I volunteer for a special event?
Many organizations need people for special events. A fund-raising project, helping out at a craft fair, ushering at a musical event or a football game. The list goes on and on. We can put you in contact with the organizations looking for help for special events.
Could I volunteer on a monthly, weekly, daily schedule?
We can work with your specific scheduling needs. If you are already busy on certain days and at certain times, we can contact organizations for you and determine if your schedule meets theirs.
Why should I report my volunteer hours?
The Clearinghouse and other organizations benefit from you reporting your hours on a quarterly or monthly basis for a variety of reasons. Volunteer hours help to document the noble work being performed and help organizations justify and explain their work. It demonstrates the value of volunteer effort. It helps the volunteers reflect upon their efforts and the work they do for the community.
Do I have to be retired to join the Volunteer Clearinghouse?
The Volunteer Clearinghouse is available to anyone who wants to volunteer their talents, skills and time. We are a project of Pima Council on Aging.
Why does the Volunteer Clearinghouse interview potential volunteers?
We like to interview prospective volunteers so that we can identify their interests and skills and match them with the most compatible organizations. We often call the organizations volunteer coordinator to make sure that the match is a good one.
What resources and tools are available to volunteers through the Volunteer Clearinghouse?
The Clearinghouse has an interest and skills inventory, a listing with contact information for over eighty organizations in the Green Valley-Sahuarita area, and descriptions of the kinds of volunteers the organizations seek.
How can I join the Volunteer Clearinghouse?
Simply call us at 520-625-5966 X 600, leave your name and phone number and we’ll call you back or e-mail us at Our office is located at 3950 S. Camino del Heroe (Valley Assistance Services building) We are there most Tuesdays and by appointment. Contact us and we’ll sign you up to give you a worthwhile experience and to help a worthwhile organization.
Green Valley – Sahuarita Volunteer Clearinghouse
3950 Camino del Heroe
Green Valley, AZ 85614
+1 (520) 625-5966 ext. 600
©Green Valley – Sahuarita Volunteer Clearinghouse
All rights reserved.