
Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage

Contact Information

Telephone: 520-403-6271
Email: ShaRu@avalongardens.org
Website: https://pirpsupport.org/

Avalon Organic Gardens and EcoVillage is a 220-acre farm and ranch located in the picturesque Santa Cruz River Valley of southern Arizona, south of Tucson. This property is administered by Global Community Communications Alliance, GCCA, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, EIN number 74-2553156, which was founded in Arizona on September 5, 1989, and consists of 100 volunteers, missionaries, adults and children, drawn from a dozen countries from around the world who feel called by their Creator to become stewards of the earth, and to serve one another and humankind.

Through the years we have experienced first-hand the benefits of pooling our collective strengths, aspirations, and vision as we work toward promoting a sense of individual responsibility and an inclusive spirit of a community for the common good. Included in these intentions is our desire to create the ideal prototype of sustainability, not only to minimize our impact on the environment, but more importantly to serve the world as a model EcoVillage. To us, a model EcoVillage represents both an intentional community dedicated to applying principles of sustainability in all areas, and a global center for teaching solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Because sustainability is about creating a viable future for our children and grandchildren, we include healing our troubled youth under this definition.

As a working farm and ranch, we have needs for volunteers in many areas, a sampling includes: Heavy equipment repair/maintenance/operations; Agriculture and Animal husbandry; all building trades, and more.

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